Title: All Tied Up
Pairing: Jack/Sawyer
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: None - AU
Disclaimer: Not Mine!
A/N: It’s the A Pain That I'm Used To boys again. I can't help myself!
Dedication: To
zelda_zee, because she is the best.
The fact that Jack takes yet another look back might offend Sawyer if Jack didn’t look so damned adorable in his bewilderment. )
Comments 50
I just love this, it's so lusciously hot! The whole dirty talk thing - perfect! I love Sawyer talking dirty, but his reaction to Jack doing it is even better. GUH.
Your ending is perfect. I simply adore Sawyer's answer to Jack's question. It's so true that Jack would only ever let Sawyer see that part of him, and I love it that Sawyer knows that and he realizes how that's something to treasure. And that to him, the fact that Jack trusts him is most important of all.
Now see, you go and write all that gorgeous smut and here I am waxing on and on about your emo dialog at the end! But these guys always hit me with an emo punch, and that's why I love 'em so.
I think I'm more in Jack's camp and not so comfortable writing the dirty talk, so I'm happy to hear that it was a-ok! I never feel like it's dirty enough, but then I think it's too dirty, that Jack would never say that...lol. Jack's tough to get talkin' nasty.
The boys do love their emo dialogue, I like to throw them into some mushy lovey stuff when I can. I'm happy you like it too, and that Sawyer's answer to Jack's question seems in line with their characters, at least per this AU anyway. ;)
Now I feel like I need to write a J/S story from Jack's POV though, I think Sawyer lovers got the short shrift with this one because it was all from Sawyer's POV, looking at Jack. lol.
*loves you*
Now I feel like I need to write a J/S story from Jack's POV
This Sawyer-lover is thrilled at that idea! :)
I don't know why, but I think that was my favourite part of the entire fic, my gosh. Well, there were a lot of favourite parts, but that stuck out the most, I think. It just- Hmm. It was striking, I think.
I really liked this. The porn was hot, of course. But the interaction between Sawyer and Jack seemed so real and believable, like I could hear every bit of their banter. I think you did an incredible job with this. ♥
And I love his tattoos, too, and seeing them included in fic makes my fangirl totally happy. :)
I'm a lurker, so I don't really comment to anything a lot (too shy!), but I really felt the need to tell you how great this was.
Seriously. If this was the porn you were talking about the other day, sure we don't get bored! I think my coherence has been shut down or something but this was so good I don't even know where to start from.
Apart from the pricelessness of Jack tied up to the bed (*dies*), this had so many great details in it. Jack finding it so strange that Sawyer could go, buy food and even his favorite food, the spoon licking (okay, my memory of Kate, Jack and spoons on the show is clearly erased from now), Sawyer getting excited on the dirty talk (and I loved the detail about the creaking of the bed which doesn't feel like something he'd try to do while conning) and the ending. God the ending was just perfection. Okay, I probably forgot a lot of other things I liked (and uhm, yes, the sex was totally delicious BTW if it didn't come through.. ;) ) and so I can go and try to regain my normal body temperature. I think. ♥
Hee, thanks babe. This was the porn I was having such trouble with. I finally just sat down and made myself write it. I didn't beta it at all before I posted the story, so I'm sure that it's riddled with horrible typos and such, lol.
Thank you for taking the time to tell me your favorite parts/details and all! That is really sweet of you, I can't tell you how much I appreciate that. *loves you*
Jack talking dirty is about as good as it gets for me kink wise. Sawyer talking dirty being a very close second.
How luved up are these two? They just can't help themselves. Which is good news for us 'cause the resulting sex is fabulous.
Thank you so much for sharing ♥
Thank you so much for reading and for commenting! *hugs*
I'm happy that our plea for tied!Jack has been satisfied so soon!
And it was lovely, and hot. I think one of things I like most is that we get to see Jack through Sawyer's eyes, and he finds Jack unerringly sexy and everything is filled with love.
It’s strange but exhilarating to feel the rush of a natural high based only off of Jack’s smile.
But, even if the focus in this fic is on Jack, I loved Sawyer as well. In particular, how adorable it was that Sawyer took the time to put the ice cream back in the refrigerator and the spoons in the sink - living with Jack has really changed him.
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