Birthday Wishes & Tuesday Night TV

May 15, 2007 23:53

Happy birthday to Claudia (amantium_irae), my fellow crazy Jack lover. Even when you're disillusioned with Lost, you're still sticking up for Jack, and I love you for that. You're so much fun to talk to and I loves you muchly! *smooches* I hope your birthday was wonderful and everything it should've been.

Please excuse me while I squee momentarily...


Color me excited. And I finally finished my Jack/Sam, which clocked in at 72 pages. I will give a cookie to anyone who reads it.

Gilmore Girls, I felt was a really satisfying series finale. Considering how many finales get totally and crushingly mishandled and you're left feeling "Wow, that sucked," this one was surprisingly adept considering the awful season they've had. I felt like they really pulled it together when it mattered. Not that it didn't have its stultifying moments, but overall it was good.

Rory meeting Christiane Amanpour. I'm so glad she agreed to come on the show after her being Rory's idol since day one. It would've sucked if she said no.

Lane and Rory finally having a good conversation. There has been so little Lane/Rory interaction this season and when it did occur, it was written badly. This was really great.

Luke pulling together the party. Luke was a little all too happy happy in this episode compared to usual Luke, but I didn't mind. At the end when he told Lorelai he only wanted to see her happy, I forgave the writers for rushing their relationship back to happy ending place. I don't care. It made me smile and remember the good old days when I was the ultimate JavaJunkie.

The whole town coming out for Rory's party and Babette, oh Babette. I will miss you. No one makes me laugh like she does. The only thing missing from this was Paris. It would've been nice to see her there.

Lorelai agreeing to keep going to Friday Night Dinners and Emily going right back to being Emily immediately.

Rory and Lorelai's conversation in the living room before they left to go to Luke's. Awwww...

And them ending the series with a mirror shot of how they ended the pilot. That was nice.

Can we say wtf, all over the place? Wow, talk about too many things going on in one episode. Vinnie is conspiring with the Fitzpatrick's to run Keith out of office? Logan doesn't like Parker as much as she likes him? Mr. Casablancas is back? Dick's having a meltdown about Cassidy (now?)? Mac and Max are sex fiends? (btw, Max's bull impersonation is something I could have totally done with out like, forever.) Wallace is going to UGANDA? And on top of that, Veronica takes her P.I. test and is involved in an elaborate he's-a-fraud-oh-no-he's-actually-not scheme?

But, above all else...poor Piz. He only wants Veronica to care about spending the summer apart and she's just not catching on. She and Logan are more alike than she realizes. Just like he didn't even think to think about Parker, she isn't thinking about Piz.

And Piz talking about his music internship made me love him more. Why do real guys not exist like this?

House left me meh. :\
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