Tuesday I have a day off! In the middle of the week! YAY!!! The downside is I have to work on Saturday.... But I'm hoping to accomplish a lot tomorrow. In fact I have a whole list of stuff to do!
- IDD Blog Posts
- Balance Check Book
- Install CD Drive
- Go to the Bank
- Call Ford place about tires
- Call copyright company and find out why no one ever called me back
- Mail Deb's present
- Orchestra
- Teach 3 lessons
- Pay Maurices bill
- Goodwill
- Get McCain/Palin bumper sticker
- Shopping for new winter shirts
- Take Sarah B shopping with me
- Shower
- Mulch, if it's not raining
- Clean Room
- Make Chocolate Storm Dessert
- Find recipe for Pumpkin Cheesecake
- Watch more Road to Avonlea
- anything else I can think of...