Nov 09, 2016 12:55
I don't often post but have read a number of your comments this morning. I am sick at heart at what has happened here. To me, it only goes to prove how much harder intelligent, strong women have to work to overcome unqualified men. It also brought out the worst in this country. It was hidden for a while but this only emphasizes the fact that it still exists.
I am in my 60's and have worked hard for women's rights, civil rights, LGBT rights and to see it all in danger now is frightening. We have to work harder and young people cannot be complacent. We are going to have to be vigilant and stand together for our beliefs. We need to bring back the spirit of activism to save not only the US but the world.
Spoke to my sister this morning and she was in tears over the phone. I was at work so couldn't join in. However, will call her back this evening and we will have a good cry together over some wine and then move on.
Love to all!