Jan 18, 2004 14:25
It is so gloomy today, i guess i shouldnt complain rain is better than snow at this point but i am just feeling so down today. looking forward to the big football game in a bit although as ashamed as i am to admit it - i really doubt the patriots will win - I will still be cheering them on and i hope i am wrong. Took the written half of our midterm on wednesday, it was a killer test but i think i did ok.. the practical half was yesterday and that was cool, i passed all the stations i still need more practice of course but i did pretty good..We got signed off on intubations so now we can start our rotation at the OR.. i am so nervous about that but i feel way more comfortable with it than i did a few months ago when we started this skill. the doctors in the ER make it look so easy.. we lost a few more classmates this week..we started with 28 and are now down to 25 i hope everyone else stays.. i should be studying right now..we are about to start PHTLS and i have the whole textbook to look over so we can start it on tuesday, i took the practice test yesterday online and i got about three quarters right without even opening the book so i think i will do ok, but i should still read it.I also have a really cool EKG book that brian gave me that i have only just started looking at... well off to study or at least pretend to study.