Egytology list and a rant about doctors

Jan 20, 2007 14:37

You've got to love the Egyptology mailing list that I am on (EEF). A while ago they were discussing "pyramid lubrication" and now they are discussing "incidental camels" lol!!

I hope that all the doctors that basically accused me of being either a drug addict or mad get horribly ill and have noone believe them. Then they would know what it's like! It's a shame that so many of them do not seem to keep up to date with new medical insights - a thing such as chronic glandular fever does exist!! Nobody who is ill should have to put up with idiots who can't do their job properly accusing them of either being too lazy to work or to have mental issues or being a drug addict when really they are ill!
People who know me know that:
a)I don't do drugs,
b)I am not lazy - I like to work and do a good job, I am conscientious, punctual and work hard,
c)I am as sane as can be!
If I was a South Park kid, I would say: "I hope you catch cancer in the ass and die!", but that would be impolite. Though I have to admit that if this did happen, I wouldn't exactly be upset.
If only they were to read this they would know all they need to know! It states that symptoms might continue for a long time if the patient is continuously under stress. Where do most of us seem to get stress from? Yes, doctors who do not believe it is a real illness and who say you can work full-time, when you can't, or who basically tell you you must be on drugs. How do you lead a stress free life with such arseholes around? How do you cope with people avoiding you because they think you might make them ill? How do you live on a day to day basis if you are too ill to look after yourself or do much at all? You become isolated. And then to have people say "why don't you work or go out more, you'd be happier then!". This just really makes the blood in my veins boil. Er, because I am too ill to do that. If I could, I wouldn't have a problem, would I?! What kind of stupid thing to say is that? If someone broke their leg, you wouldn't tell them to go for a run, would you?
It took them a whole year to find out for sure what was wrong with me. It was quickly speculated that it was glandular fever, but the test showed up negative - this happens. Instead of doing the test again, they tell you to go away and that they can't help you or even tell you what is wrong with you.
How do you live for a whole year, feeling totally awful, being incapable of doing much other than sit around, trying to keep vomit down and your head from exploding and not knowing what is actually wrong with you? Would you not feel a bit stressed and worried? I think anyone would. I did.
Again people who know me know that I am not a wussy. I am not the sort of person to curl up in bed all day because I feel a bit off. I only go to bed if I cannot stand on my legs anymore and feel so ill that I will pass out if I do or if I know that if I continue to do things I will be ill for a week and unable to do anything, which isn't in anyone's best interest.
I thought that my life would be less full of annoying people now that I am so much better, but no. Work wanted a note saying that I am not contagious and how many hours a week I can work, from a medical point of view. This might seem straight forward, but no - unfortunately, not knowing the doctors here, I just chose one off the list, who claimed that:
a) glandular fever is not contagious.
Why do people catch it then?
b) it is not a serious illness and passes within 3 weeks.
Why do I know heaps of people who suffered for months, even years? Why do I know someone who had to go to hospital as it gave him heart problems? Why do I know of a person who was ill for up to 5 years afterwards? Why do I know another person who was in hospital because it fucked up his liver? These stories were told to me by friends, family or acquaintances. This made me feel better, this made me feel not alone - even though for the majority of the last 2 1/2 years I have sat in my room by myself. I managed to get through it, I did not go mad or get depressed. I was well pleased with myself, I was impressed I got through it. I figured that I must be mentally stronger than I ever knew, I figured most people in my situation would have not coped so well. I felt like I really won in the end, I finally got back to work and then to have to face an idiot such as him just really takes the piss.
and c) bad cases are treated with antibiotics.
This is by far the biggest load of crap I have ever heard. Antibiotics do jack shit for viral infections - everyone knows that! Where the fuck did he get his medical degree?
What I want to do is tell him that he is the biggest idiot I have ever met. If I do, of course I will not get my note saying I am not contagious. He's already taken blood, so this would not be in my best interest.
Unfortunately I was brought up to be polite and would never be rude to a doctor or even my old boss, who I would have loved to have told a few things to.
This unfortunately means I spend a lot of time fuming inside, which takes up strength, which I don't have much of.
So really I would just like to not ever have to see a doctor again. Of course this won't be possible, as eventually I will need another note or a vaccination or something.
I never expected work to want a note, seeing that glandular fever is only catching through saliva (though how the fuck I managed to catch it, is beyond me). Mind you, everyone has it once in their life apparently, so there seems no way around it.
It also says that rest for a month is ideal. Seeing that I did not know that I had glandular fever, me being me, I pushed on regardless even though I felt shit, thinking it would go away eventually (before then, when I was ill, things just went away and I could push on regardless). But no, it got to the point I couldn't do anything and the doctors told me to come back if it got worse. So I did. They fed me medication for things it turned out I never had. It made me lots worse.
The idiot doctor here and the idiot doctors in London were crap. The Belgians I have to say at least didn't accuse me of being mad/into drugs, but they also said you can't do anything about it.
Which isn't true - alternative medical people can help. Doctors would probably rather amputate their own hand than admit that they can help when they cannot!
Why can't they just admit it? It's not like I go around claiming I know everything about archaeology, when clearly I don't and nobody does. Everyone focuses on a special topic - be it archaeologists or doctors. It's just some of us admit our weaknesses!
In retrospect I should have just locked myself in my room. Of course you can't actually do that, as you need a note saying you are ill for work. Except that the blood test isn't always conclusive, so then you just get accused of being a wussy/mad/into drugs again.
Not only all of that, I also moved twice - once to leave London as it was too expensive and I needed someone to look after me so I had to move in with my parents, who lived in Belgium at the time. The second time as I had to move here to see alternative medical people who could help me. And thank god they did! Of course "real" doctors will tell you they are full of shit. Of course it's embarrassing for them if alternative medical people can help you and they cannot! It's all about power and money, so put anyone down who doesn't share your point of view or who might take your patients away and actually make them better - god forbid!!
I am glad that I moved, but moving is always stressful. I am glad I am here as I found people to help me and people who made me well enough to go back to work.
Why do doctors not just admit when they don't know something? Why do they give you medication for things it then turns out you never had that made you much worse and then tell you that isn't possible (even though there are pages of listed side-effects?)? Why don't they believe that a virus can stay active for that long when there is proof (bioresonance testing can show it), there are now even "real" tests for chronic glandular fever - they cost like 200 Euro though and whose health insurance will cover that?

I expect that noone actually read this far, but I just wanted to get that off my chest so I don't particularly care.
People tell me I should write a book. People say one should write articles and publish them. And for what? To be publically burned alive I presume, by doctors who have more power than you as they have the ability to write little notes that dictate whether you can or cannot work, even though medicine clearly has a long way to go in a lot of respects. Which would be fine if they said just said, but no, lets accuse people instead of admit weaknesses!

egypt, health

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