An update from around the house...

Aug 24, 2009 20:25

Trudging along, getting things done as I can... many of you already know that R is in Italy for a month - and we are finally just over half-way done.  I've talked to several women who's partners are either deployed, go out to see or are contractors and travel for great lengths of time... and they all say the same thing.  The big trips, the long trips, of 3 or more months are always easier in the long run than the ones that are 45 days or less.  It's a process according to them... where you need a couple weeks to settle in and gain some resemblance of a routine and then after that you go about your business and deal with things as they come up. But apparently on the shorter DET's, cruises and contracts... it isn't so... they've advised that just about the time you get something established that looks like normal, then it's time to prep for the partner to come home and the routine goes to hell again.  You'd think it would just go back to "normal"... but it never does.  I have to admit - hearing these women speak validates how I feel... and although not everyone would agree... it's always nice to know you're not the only one and people survive short-term single parenting - even the first time out.

Me?  I have never had our children without Ray around for more than maybe 17 days... tops.  But the USN instituted some new rules for his command so they do approx 28 to 29 days and will go out of their way to fly these servicemembers home commercial if they have to - all to get around the 30 day rule that says they get active duty pay and benefits... nifty, eh?  Whatev... we'll just be happy to have him home.

I have to admit though... thanks to some special friends, this is the first year I have NOT been allowed to hide until Ray returns... I do owe them a huge thank you for making me do what I need to do for both my girls and myself.  Even last year - I just stayed home, other than an occasional outing, work or mundane stuff like grocery shopping.  But not this year - too much too do, and every day feels like I go, go, go.  The kids too, especially prepping for school.  Oh wait!   I think I hear the sound of small claws tearing into flesh - oh, wait... I was wrong.  That's just the two of them fighting over and ice pack (dumb but whatever) and they have resolved it on their own and are heading back into their own rooms for bedtime.

R has called home routinely - and I can honestly say that he's not having such a great time this year.  They are working him to death, he's not getting much time off at all - maybe a day a week if lucky - and frankly, he's ready to come home.  I feel badly for him, he's so tired when he calls.  But we look forward to having him home... and in the meantime I maintain my emotionally high-maintenance self, even if I make a valiant effort to let it "all go."  Sigh.

Okay... so the girls... can someone tell me how to keep them from growning?  I have to purchase clothing and I'm afraid they will grow between the cash register at the store and the front door of the house.  I can't quit feeding them... believe it's illegal and all.... but at least C will allow to call her Grasshopper as a result of her long legs. :)

They snipe at me, I buy in, it goes badly... but I'm working on it and have been on the receiving end of some good and supportive advice.  It helps and I have to tell you that being consisent is absolutely exhausting at the moment.  But it'll pay off later, come to me more easily, and maybe there will be a little less bickering/arguing and more respect around here.  Only time can tell.

The really are excited for school and looking forward to going back - always are.  And this year, according to Shay, is that she'll ride the yellow bus with the big boys and girls.  She'll start kindergarten.
 So that's it - nothing exciting!  Moving along now...

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