Life in review...

Jun 29, 2009 05:20

Almost ready to roll to ATWW - gear picked up that we're hauling for others is mostly loaded, the clothing is clean and ready for packing, and the girls are stoked to be going away basically for a week.

Ray's work schedule hasn't eased up much but he's not traveling as much either and that makes it a give and take.  He's home and we like that.

The girls are growing again - can't keep 'em in clothing... I just went through their rooms this spring and it's already time to do it again.  And then another trip back to the stores for more.  Thank heavens they appreciate the consignment shops.  If I had to buy everything new it would break the bank - shoes are the exception.  They've hit an age, both of them, where new shoes are simply better and this time of year is great as they couldn't possibly live without their flip-flops.

I'm busy on every front and it has caused a bit of stress at home but good communication is ironing things out and for that I'm grateful.  Sure, it frustrates me from time to time - couples often have different communication methods - but we just keep doing it until what we want to convey gets across clearly.  I struggle to maintain coherence when confronted with emotionally charged issues, but I'm getting better.  Not getting so tongue-tied and standing for what I want are new skills that take practice... they'll come.

Two days of work seems like an eternity before we can go - so looking forward to all the folks who are going that we know... even have two friends carpooling with us.  I love that.  We've borrowed a larger vehicle, making a swap with friends, to increase our towing capacity by several thousand pounds.  Eases the job and makes all things possible.

Finally got my camera and I love it.... did I say I love it?  Since coming back to a hobby I truly enjoy, I see the world in so many different ways and all the subtleties I might otherwise miss seem to pop up at every turn.  I love what I'm learning and gives vision to what I feel.
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