(no subject)

Oct 14, 2004 01:12

Today has been a very good day! Not only, within the last two and a half days, have I done insane amounts of work I'd procrastinated on (2 essays, 2 problem sets, and a midterm), but I also bought a hairdryer and a small lamp for my room (no permanent lighting, so my existing lamp doesn't quite do enough) and got a package from Mom. The very exciting package included two coats we'd bought at Ross (they brought me much joy, and will be WARM), various newspaper clippings, and a get-out-of-jail-free card. Literally. (The new CSAA card comes with a certificate saying they're good for my bail on vehicle-related offenses.)

Also, oddly, I reunited kin tonight as a friend's friend's prefrosh watched the debate in my room and ran into my suitemate's boyfriend/her cousin. (The prefrosh's cousin, not my suitemate's cousin. The latter interpretation would be... troublesome.)

So tired now. Last weekend was sucked up by a bunch of time in the press, printing JE screw invites and forgetting that a little ink goes a long way. So my hands are still black. (well, my nails are still stained around the edges. They look much better than before I trimmed them this afternoon, since before that I could have passed for a "resurrection man". (obscure reference to unimportant part of Tale of Two Cities? anyone? speaking of which but not, I should have knit while watching the debates. *shrug*)) The finished product printed cleanly, good impression, rather stark, only two colors (one on each side), two letters didn't fully print...

Oh, and katalina55's "Super Bonus Constructivist Questions":

("In Theories class this week, we learned about constructivist theories of counseling. From what we’ve learned so far, it’s based on that idea that each of us is like a scientist who in our childhood period construed the world in some way. To know us is to find out how we construed and construe the world. Here are two questions we were asked in class, that I think could be interested in helping each of us analyze what is important to our construction of reality:")

- What have you always avoided most in life?
exhausting resources (using up stickers, breaking something, wearing out a welcome, running out of things to say, making a choice and thus giving up on all the other possibilities)

- When you walk into a room full of strangers, what’s the first thing you think?
Whether I know anyone there. Or whether anyone or any group looks particularly approachable.

*stamp my hand* "not insane"
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