Title: The Importance of Sex and Pancakes
Rating: NC-17 (not this chapter, really, but eventually)
A/N: Hola! Bet you didn’t think you’d see me so soon again! Truth is, I didn’t expect to be back so soon again either - I was never supposed to write even one PepSi fic, let alone a second. But we know how that went. Now, as with the The First Time, the
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Comments 21
First of all - guh! Love that description of what Pepa's wearing at the beginning for her plan for sexy time! And Pepa saying to herself that she knew she looked good - haha!
Aww, Pepa and Silvia having a baby - how cute! And frustrating! I wanted to die laughing when Pepa threw her back out and Silvia fell asleep! Will they be interrupted this time?? Well, if they are, it's all canon so I suppose we should expect it! :p
Thanks for sharing - this made my day! :D
Yes, Pepa and Silvia with a little one. So cute, and yet...it's put a bit of a kink in the works. Poor Pepa, her batting average is not too good as of late. So she's gotten herself spiffed up (and, yes, the brunette KNOWS when she's lookin' good, LOL), and has come up with a plan. Would I be so mean as to thwart her again? That would just be cruel and unusual. I don't think I'm that evil....
Glad it made your day...now get back to work! :)
Well, at least it's the good kind this time, si?
Look, Living!Silvia - I MUST get points for that!
I think I laughed when I wrote that scene too. Seriously, poor Pepa - she's a woman on the edge. I don't think I'd get around her right now. Poor Rita probably came very close to one of those gloves, grabbing the heavy bag like she did. Brave woman.
But Pepa's a woman with a plan now at least. Now's it's a question if Silvia will go for it....
As for pepa's plan I'm dyin to read what happens next. I mean pepa and her plans, well they always sound good right?! :) Haha
This plan might get Pepa what she wants...we'll just have to wait and see. :)
great start elisa!
But, really, there's not much I can do for Pepa. It's Silvia who's got to put her out of her misery. ;)
and it really is wonderful. I like the way you write P&S you have their voices down to perfection. and the situation is just too amusing! So dont apologize for the lack of plot... plot tends to get in the way of the sexytimes!! ha! More soon please
Phew, I'm glad I avoided the cleaver. That sounds...painful. But does that mean you'll just never read the end of "The First Time?" You'll leave it forever dangling? Do I have to withhold the next chapter of this fic until you do? I am not above such tactics! I will keep sexytimes on the shelf, I swear I will!
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