Gay Commercial: Peugeot

Jan 30, 2010 10:45

Strange, I think to remember a different ending when it aired in Italy... but well, probably I prefer this one!

A cute, young fellow (model Mark Van der Loo) pulls up to a stoplight in his Peugeot and, moments later, a big, black truck drives up next to him. From the truck's passenger window, a lass looks over longingly with a smile and our fellow looks back. At that moment, the truck's driver peers over and sees the glances. In anger, he snaps his toothpick in two, as if it represents the guy, then points forward for the two of them to race, perhaps in a duel for the girl.

image Click to view

Then, in a setup out of "Grease," the girl is posed in front of the two cars with her scarf in the air about to start the race as engines rev. The truck driver looks over angrily once again, but our hero makes a kissy face at him. Next, the truck driver gets out, walks over to the passenger side, and gets into the Peugot as his stunned girlfriend watches. The truck driver gives the other guy a big kiss on the cheek as the Peugot backs up full speed, with both of them laughing hysterically. The girlfriend and truck are abandoned as she runs hopelessly after them -- and gets neither one. (The lizard on the side of the road that changes color to match the car is a cute touch.)

This commercial is actually a startling follow-up to a companion ad, which is identical up to the beginning of the race. In the first one, though, the man in the truck takes off, laughing, but the Peugot guy stays behind and gets the girl. The second ad came in as a twist to surprise viewers later on. It's fun and outrageous, without being negative -- even though the girl wasn't too happy about being left behind.

Commercial Closet Association

Company: PSA Peugeot Citroën
Brand: Peugeot
Ad Title: Le Duel
Business Category: Automotive
Media Outlets: Television
Country: France
Region: Europe
Agency: Euro RSCG Worldwide
Year: 1998
Target: Mainstream
Ad Spotter: Romain Greco

gay commercial

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