Around the World: Moscow

Nov 21, 2009 12:43

As expected I didn't have much time to visit around, during the week I stay at work till 9 p.m. and when we are back at the hotel we need to do a recap of the day. So more or less my time is all spent inside an office or at the bar of the hotel. And the hotel is outside the center of Moscow so, even if we would like to take a walk, we are pretty much stuck inside it. Plus I have a bad flu and so I'm not really in the mood to go out. But this morning I forced myself to at least go to see a near park, a former hunting reserve for the Zars with a small artificial island in the middle and a cathedral in the centre. It was a nice place, with maybe a bit the feeling of an abandoned place, but still, it was worth the visit. After that I went to a near craft market: I suppose people made me pay much for the little gifts I bought, but well, it was all the same a good experience and the market was a crazy place. Pity the time is not good and so in the end, I decided to come back to the hotel.

Around the Wor...

By Elisa Rolle

Book Preview

The second picture is the view from my hotel room, the morning I woke up with the snow... and yes, that is morning light ;-)

around the world

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