Indies and UPs remain committed to a market often courted by the mainstream.
Laura Baumbach, MLR Press
“Just this month, the Romance Writers of America accepted a new chapter: Rainbow Romance Writers, devoted to authors who write LGBT romance. And New York publishing houses are publishing more mainstream stories with LGBT characters; one is even experimenting with a line of gay historical novels marketed to straight women. As a publisher of gay romance and fiction, I see a wider appeal growing in that audience of straight women, traditionally the largest consumer of romance novels. At the same time, in this age of expanding legalization of gay marriage and a growing realization that love and romance are for everyone, reading romance is even beginning to appeal to gay men. Acceptance of LGBT romance by mainstream readership can only nurture acceptance in other walks of everyday life.”
The Golden Age of Gay Fiction, edited by Drewey Wayne Gunn ($TBA, June; ISBN 978-1-60820-048-1). Essays by Earl Kemp, Ian Young, Victor J. Banis, William Maltese, Michael Bronski et al. survey the period roughly between the first Kinsey Report and the first collection of Tales of the City.
The 38-Million-Dollar Smile by Richard Stevenson ($14.99, Sept.; ISBN 978-1-60820-013-9). The 10th novel in the acclaimed Donald Strachey mystery series from a three-time Lambda finalist.
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