First of all let me say that this is one of the most erotic and sexy book I read lately, and I have no problem to say that sometime when reading a book with too much sex, I skip a sex scene here and there to read the story, if there is a story... and instead this time I read ALL, story and sex scenes alike. So the first thing that struck me of this book was the sex, and how could not be so, since the book starts with J.D. who said to Russ "What I wouldn’t let you do to me...", nothing strange if not that Russ is a cop and he has just stopped J.D. along a street. To add fuel to the fire J.D., as farewell to Russ, propose "Maybe I could suck your cock?”.
Probably from this you could understand that J.D. is not a shrinking violet; an adult and self-conscious gay man from the city, he is used to have and find sex when he wants. His gaydar points him to Russ, and Russ is happy enough to be pointed; but Russ is a cop, and if this is not enough for making him a good boy, he is also used to live in a welcoming small town, where everyone knows about his neighbor: not the best setting for meaningless sex with a stranger.
And so where J.D. pushes for a summer fling without strings attached, Russ is steady in his feet and refuses to be treat like a toy-boy... It's pretty funny to see the reversed role of the two: J.D., with his small frame, his cute face and his intellectual work, should be the man asking for commitment, since he inspires protection, and instead it's Russ, big, sturdy and authoritative that has the role of who wants to build a nest, like an animal who is going in dormancy and before that wants to be sure to have a comfort den and a warm body beside him.
J.D. is pretty open with his sexual relationship; you can guess that he had no problem with his coming out phase and he is comfortable with his sexuality. But he also had a bad experience in the past with love, and so he decided to not be burnt again. Where some men, with maybe a more romantic side, would give up love and sex together, J.D. chose the path of the meaningless sex. More, he "uses" sex to not let people near him... if he states loud and clearly till the first moment, that he is interested only in sex, men can't form strange idea on him, and above all they can't fall in love, no one would love a vain man like him.
But Russ sees something other in J.D.; he is stubborn enough to not let J.D. deviate him from his path, a path that lead directly toward the man's heart. Russ is almost too good to be true.
And so, a good erotic romance paired to a romantic plot... definitely a shame that the book is only 70 pages long and so with little chance to see it on print, since this one would be for sure in my wish list.
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Summer FeverPublisher: Dreamspinner Press; first edition (September 1, 2008)
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