2020-2021 Rainbow Awards: Best Asexual Book

Dec 08, 2021 01:55

 And the Rainbow Award goes to:

Franklin in Paradise by John Patrick
- A lot is going on here. A post-apocalypse setting described, in the first person, by someone who is on the autism spectrum in love with someone who is on the asexual spectrum. I think John Patrick Franklin took too much on. Still, Franklin imagined the setting--an Amish museum cum working farm--brilliantly. And kudos for thinking of telomeres as the cause of the apocalypse.
- The author does a fantastic job here bringing the characters to life and making them engaging. Also, the coming-of-age -during-the-apocalypse story keeps the reader turning those pages.
- Very well written all around. His handling of autism was truly outstanding and a subject that I believe is extremely important for more people to see the reality. I only deducted one point from writing style because I felt there were a couple of loose ends in plot finalization.

Runner Up:
Socially Orcward (Adventures in Aguillon #3) by Lisa Henry & Sarah Honey

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rainbow awards 2021

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