GRL: Simone Anderson

Jun 06, 2015 12:12

Starting from June 1, 2015, I will daily feature authors attending the three conventions I will join, Euro Pride in Munich (July), UK Meet in Bristol (September) and GRL in San Diego (October).

For the GRL in San Diego, October 15-18, 2015
, today author is Simone Anderson: Simone currently lives in West Michigan with her family, but has lived in a handful of states and Japan and traveled to many more of each. She has been writing all of her life, seriously in the past few years, when her writing took on a dark and delicious twist. A college student, she offsets the tedium of lectures by thinking up new and interesting ways to torture her characters, occasionally shrieking in the middle of class "I got it!" to the puzzlement of those around her.

Further Readings:

Bond Mates (Bissari Confederation Book 1) by Simone Anderson
Publisher: Resplendence Publishing, LLC (September 24, 2012)
Amazon Kindle: Bond Mates (Bissari Confederation Book 1)

Thane ap del Kala is an officer in the Bissari Confederation’s military. While on leave, a chance meeting brings him face to face with his soul mate. Throughout Mykel Breyan Treadway’s unlikely profession he has met people from all walks of life, but none called to him like soldier sitting at the bar did. The man gives him a life-altering choice, and Breyan must take a leap of faith.

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