UK Meet: Anna Butler

Jun 06, 2015 12:06

Starting from June 1, 2015, I will daily feature authors attending the three conventions I will join, Euro Pride in Munich (July), UK Meet in Bristol (September) and GRL in San Diego (October).

For the UK Meet in Bristol, September 11-13, 2015
, today author is Anna Butler: A native of Durham, England, Anna worked for many years as a communications specialist in the UK government. She now spends her time indulging her love of old-school science fiction featuring handsome heroes running about shooting lasers. When she isn't writing, she looks out at her garden thinking that she really should get out there and tackle the weeds, but is easily distracted into building up the biggest collection of tiara images on Pinterest instead. She lives in London with her husband and Molly, the cockapoo.

Further Readings:

The Gilded Scarab by Anna Butler
Paperback: 314 pages
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (February 16, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1632167727
ISBN-13: 978-1632167729
Amazon: The Gilded Scarab
Amazon Kindle: The Gilded Scarab

When Captain Rafe Lancaster is invalided out of the Britannic Imperium’s Aero Corps after crashing his aerofighter during the Second Boer War, his eyesight is damaged permanently, and his career as a fighter pilot is over. Returning to Londinium in late November 1899, he’s lost the skies he loved, has no place in a society ruled by an elite oligarchy of powerful Houses, and is hard up, homeless, and in desperate need of a new direction in life.

Everything changes when he buys a coffeehouse near the Britannic Imperium Museum in Bloomsbury, the haunt of Aegyptologists. For the first time in years, Rafe is free to be himself. In a city powered by luminiferous aether and phlogiston, and where powerful men use House assassins to target their rivals, Rafe must navigate dangerous politics, deal with a jealous and possessive ex-lover, learn to make the best coffee in Londinium, and fend off murder and kidnap attempts before he can find happiness with the man he loves.

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