Darcy Abriel (born July 15)

Jul 15, 2015 21:23

Darcy Abriel delights in the stories that flirt with the dark side of emotion and passion. Going back to the days of Saturday Night Chiller Theaters, series such as Twilight Zone and the Outer Limits, toss in a dash of Alfred Hitchcock and these are the stories that have always fascinated Darcy. That edgy sense of danger that leaves one tingling. Be it a roller coaster ride, a Dracula movie, or a good erotic horror read at the darkest slice of night. Visit the dark side with mystery and passion, eroticism and tingling fantasy. Explore what makes your heart pump faster, your blood run hotter, and the adrenaline surge.

Silver won a 2012 Rainbow Award as Best Bisexual / Transgender Romance/Erotic Romance.

Further Readings:

Silver (Humanotica) by Darcy Abriel
Series: Humanotica
Paperback: 264 pages
Publisher: Samhain Publishing; Reprint edition (November 1, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1609283120
ISBN-13: 978-1609283124
Amazon: Silver (Humanotica
Amazon Kindle: Silver (Humanotica)

Born to freedom. Molded into submission. Pleasure is her only weapon.

No matter what the law decrees, Entreus is no one’s chattel. And he’s determined that no other humanotic-part human, part robot-spends one more second under the stranglehold of the power-mad government machine. That means doing whatever it takes to advance the cause for freedom. Even seduce a government minister’s favorite toy, a newly minted trinex named Silver.

Silver was a free woman until she committed the ultimate sin-pretending to be male to gain entrance to an exclusive science academy. Her punishment: modification. Now she is equal parts female, male and machine. The property of the secretive, charismatic Lel Kesselbaum, whose appetites push her new sexual abilities to heights of pleasure that make her wonder who is master, who is slave.

Until Entreus bargains his body in exchange for a secret meeting that rekindles her longing for freedom. Yet helping the fiery revolutionary execute his plan isn’t so simple, especially when she discovers her master’s secret-a secret that leaves her heart torn between two men. And one step in the wrong direction could mean death for them all.

More Rainbow Awards at my website: www.elisarolle.com/, Rainbow Awards/2012

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rainbow awards 2012, author: darcy abriel

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