2014 Rainbow Awards Submission: Blushing Aspen

Jun 16, 2014 07:45

Lesbian Poetry
Blushing Aspen (Sappho's Corner Solo Poets Series) (Volume 4) by Kieran York
Series: Sappho's Corner Solo Poets Series
Paperback: 170 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (May 10, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1497352762
ISBN-13: 978-1497352766
Amazon: Blushing Aspen (Sappho's Corner Solo Poets Series)

The aspen tree sends out its branches - grown by days and years. Limbs are the expandable balance of life. Each branch fills with twigs and leaves. Our lives are similar to trees. Time and events nourish us, and weather us. Branches often are both cultivated to display wonder and menaced to show wear. Each year the Aspen’s splendor reaches into the sky and presents its magnificent show of color. From green, to gold, to crimson - the spectacular display amazes. Autumn’s intensity is celebrated with its insignia of the aspen. Our celebration is often remembrances. In Blushing Aspen, I offer my impressions - they encompass the sizzle of newfound life and love. Heartaches and hard times merge with laughter and happiness. There were seasons of learning about both our lives, and the lives of others. Closely, we examined bigotry - because it stalked us. As Sapphic women, we gathered and became sisters. Much of my poetry is about these days. I am glad for them all. I am fortunate for my family, friends, and my lovely lady. I am a blessed and blushing aspen.

Charities Donation program progress:
25$ Lancaster LGBT Center: http://www.centralpalgbtcenter.org/
25$ Odyssey Youth Center: www.odysseyyouth.org/
25$ YouthCare: www.youthcare.org/
30$ Covenant: www.covenanthouseno.org/
50$ Wes for Youth: wesforyouth.privacemail.com/
50$ Lambert House: www.lamberthouse.org/
50$ Ruth Ellis Center: http://www.ruthelliscenter.org/
50$ PFLAG: community.pflag.org/
75$ CARE: careprogram.org/
75$ Inland Northwest LGBT Center: www.thelgbtcenter.org/
100$ The Center Colorado: http://www.glbtcolorado.org/
105$ Moveable Feast: http://www.mfeast.org/
160$ UCAN: www.ucanchicago.org/
160$ Lambda Legal: www.lambdalegal.org/
175$ Point Foundation: www.pointfoundation.org/
180$ The Trevor Project: www.thetrevorproject.org/
317$ Galop: www.galop.org.uk/
347$ COLORS: www.colorsyouth.org/
425$ SAGE: giveto.sageusa.org/
437$ Lost-n-Found Youth: www.lost-n-found.org/
710$ Ali Forney Center: www.aliforneycenter.org/
747$ Other Funds
TOTAL: 4318$*

* more than 150$ is a direct donation from a supporter of the Rainbow Awards who isn't submitting; while some authors were more than generous, arriving to donate 5 times the suggested amount, being the submission fee a non mandatory and voluntary direct donation, we were struggling to raise the same amount as last year and there is who decided to cover part of it. I thank you for all you are doing, and if you wish to donate to the above links, please drop me a note with your donation and I will update the total.

2014 Rainbow Awards Guidelines: reviews-and-ramblings.dreamwidth.org/4162490.html

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rainbow awards 2014

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