Long Snows Moon by Stacey Darlington

Apr 21, 2014 18:57

Being an old fan of Native American history and traditions, I found the theme of the book more than appealing to my taste. Even the love story between Devon and Jameson, with the back and forth between past and present was nicely done, and gave a sweet memories feeling to the story.

Truth be told, the real main character of the story was Moon, the half-wolf pet of Devon; she was the one connecting Devon with her own soul, the voice always encouraging her, the link she needed to be able to grasp an happiness that, until now, seemed always to be out of reach. The author clearly displayed her love for Native American tradition and for all living being, human or animal. The novel is dedicated to the author's beloved pet, and all her love is clearly woven in the threads of the story.

Another interesting point was how women are the real core of the story, and not only Devon and Jameson. Again this is something that is, from my knowledge, coming from the Native American traditions, Mother Nature was indeed female, and there was always respect for who was able to give life. It's not that the male characters are all negative, but for sure the heart of the story lies with the women.

This is not an only book, lose trends will have to be tightened probably in a sequel, or in a second book in the same universe. Nonetheless, the story was compelling and fulfilling.

Paperback: 198 pages
Publisher: Melange Books (June 29, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1612356370
ISBN-13: 978-1612356372
Amazon: Long Snows Moon
Amazon Kindle: Long Snows Moon

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review, theme: shapeshifters, genre: paranormal, length: novel

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