A Shot at Forgiveness by Cardeno C.

Mar 04, 2014 21:37

I know this is only a novella, and that it was well played to make you dream without considering any realistic implication, but well, I really liked it. Isaac is so sweet and tender, like a big, very big teddy bear, that I almost felt bad for him when Rafi, even if rightly, was treating him with cold shoulders.

Rafi has every right to hate Isaac, but indeed, if you picked the innuendos, it was clear that Isaac was bullying him in high school cause he was denying his own homosexuality; Rafi was out and proud, no one has every questioned his coming out, and he had a supporting family. Isaac instead wasn't supposed to be gay, he was the sport hero, the high school jock, also for him there were expectations, and those expectations didn't allow him to be gay.

In a way, Isaac is more sensitive than Rafi, he is able to link with his emotions in a better way than Rafi; Rafi remained attached to his hate for high school Isaac, and he would not change, if not for Isaac's persistence in having him seeing the different side of the story. Yes, I like Rafi, but I love Isaac, and the only fault I find in this story is that it was too short.

Paperback: 220 pages
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (January 10, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1627984879
ISBN-13: 978-1627984874
Amazon: Home Again & A Shot at Forgiveness
Amazon Kindle: A Shot at Forgiveness

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review, genre: contemporary, length: novella, theme: sports, author: cardeno c.

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