Johnnie Phelps (April 4, 1922 - December 30, 1997)

Dec 30, 2017 11:55

World War II veteran, Johnnie Phelps was a brave, wonderful, kind and generous woman, who later headed the Los Angeles chapter of the National Organization for Women. In 1947, General Eisenhower told Johnnie Phelps, a member of the Women's Army Corps and a lesbian, "It's come to my attention that there are lesbians in the WACs, we need to ferret them out...." Phelps replied, "If the General pleases, sir, I'll be happy to do that, but the first name on the list will be mine." Eisenhower's secretary added, "If the General pleases, sir, my name will be first and hers will be second." Phelps then told Eisenhower, "Sir, you're right, there are lesbians in the WACs - and if you want to replace all the file clerks, section commanders, drivers, every woman in the WAC detachment, I will be happy to make that list. But you must know, sir, that they are the most decorated group - there have been no illegal pregnancies, no AWOLs, no charges of misconduct." Eisenhower dropped the idea. Johnnie passed away at the Veterans Home in Barstow. Grace Bukowski, her life partner of 22 years, survived her.

Timeline & Places:

• April 4, 1922: born.

• December 30, 1997: died. Buried at Los Angeles National Cemetery, 950 S Sepulveda Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90049, Stati Uniti


Days of Love: Celebrating LGBT History One Story at a Time
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ISBN-10: 1500563323
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Queer Places, Vol. 1.1: Retracing the Steps of LGBTQ people around the World
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ISBN-10: 1532901909
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Queer California: Retracing the Steps of LGBTQ people around the World
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ISBN-10: 1979617406
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