Poppy's Pleasure (Assassin's Pride) by Stormy Glenn

Dec 10, 2013 14:11

Sometime you need serious, sometime you need playful… Poppy’s Pleasure is a pretty little story. Poppy is a cuteness overloaded character who is completely unaware of the danger he is for other men… not cause “he” is dangerous, but cause he can provoke an overdose of prettiness to the chosen companion. And I’m totally saying this with a positive perspective, it’s not easy to write a character like this one without falling into ridiculousness, but Stormy Glenn managed it without any stumble (maybe that is due to her experience with this character type).

Poppy is naïve cause he has always lived as a slave; he doesn’t have any memories of a previous different life, he doesn’t know there is any different life. Poppy truly believes the world is divided into Masters and slaves and that he is born slave and destined to be one. He is not a broken man, he still has a backbone, but he doesn’t know stubbornness, he doesn’t know rebellion, and so, most of the time, his attempts to escape that life always end with him being beaten and left half dead. The only lucky event in his life, for a reason that we will understand only later in the story, Poppy has passed from Master to Master with a contract that states he isn’t a sexual slave, and that he cannot be used for that purpose. So other than being naïve of life, Poppy is also naïve of sex.

Dean is on a rescue mission for one of his fellow Government Agency assassin, but instead of finding Marcus, he stumbles into Poppy and from that moment on, Poppy recognizes him as his Master, like a little duck with its mother hen, imprinting, and Dean cannot really leave him otherwise Poppy will have a mental breakdown. Dean becomes Poppy’s protector, lover, companion, and every other words you can imagine to describe a relationship that is more than love, it’s death or life.

As I said, sometime I need my overdose of cuteness.

Publisher: Silver Publishing (November 24, 2012)
Amazon Kindle: Poppy's Pleasure (Assassin's Pride)

Series: Assassin's Pride
1) The Cat's Meow
2) Poppy's Pleasure

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author: stormy glenn, theme: alpha males, review, theme: shapeshifters, theme: bondage submission, genre: paranormal, length: novel

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