Gay lives with a Dixie twist are the specialty of writer Jay Quinn. In his acclaimed novels The Beloved Son, The Boomerang Kid, The Good Neighbor, and Back Where He Started, Quinn takes a thoughtful, compelling look at the unique demands that family and love place on gays in mainstream culture south of the Mason-Dixon line, from small towns to resort towns. Quinn is also the editor of Rebel Yell and Rebel Yell 2, anthologies dedicated to fiction by and about Southern gay men. Quinn is also the author of The Mentor: A Memoir of Friendship and Gay Identity.
Jay Quinn is the founding editor and executive editor of Haworth Press's Southern Tier Editions. He lives in south Florida.
Further Readings:
Back Where He Started by Jay Quinn
Hardcover: 325 pages
Publisher: Alyson Books; First Edition edition (April 1, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1555838596
ISBN-13: 978-1555838591
Back Where He StartedAmazon Kindle:
Back Where He Started They say true freedom arrives when all the kids are gone and the dog dies. With his family grown and his husband Zack having decided to become a middle-aged cliché and marry his secretary, Chris Thayer is about to discover that starting life over at 48 is just as complicated, frustrating and thrilling as the first time around. After relocating to the North Carolina beach community of Emerald Isle, Chris finds a new appreciation of his role as the heart of the home to his grown children and becomes involved in the patchwork lives of his neighbors. To his unending surprise, he also finds himself the object of a new man's affections, a rowdy jack-of-all-trades with an unnervingly direct stare. In the same quiet, understated manner that he demonstrated in his critically acclaimed first novel, Metes and Bounds, Jay Quinn gives the traditional Southern novel a decidedly untraditional twist.
More Spotlights at my website:, My Lists/Gay Novels
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