GayRomLit Ebook Giveaway: Lori Toland - Dangerous Submission

Aug 15, 2013 16:36

I asked to all the authors joining the GayRomLit convention in Atlanta in October ( a personal favor, a special Ebook Giveaway: everyday I will post 1 book from each author, and among those who will leave a comment, I will draw a winner. Very easy and very fast ;-) I will send a PM to the winner, so remember to not leave anonymous comments!

And the ebook giveaway goes to: whitestar

Today author is Lori Toland: My name is Lori Toland and I've been spinning stories from a young age. I've always loved writing but when I was young, my mind always went faster than my fingers could so I grew frustrated fast. As my typing skills grew, I kept trying to come back and once upon a time, it took a while for my computer to catch up with what I was typing (good old days of Windows 3.1). With a passion for romance from a young age, I wrote my first YA story at 13 and kept going from there.
My first novel was published in 2010, a long journey finally complete, just like the story. I love watching the romance develop, from the first kiss to the first date, and the first look to the moment they realize this is the person they can't live without. And all the sex and lovemaking in between too. *smile*
I live in Orlando now, although I've moved around like a nomad for years. I've lived in the history and culture rich D. C., tried to survive in the wilds of Las Vegas before moving east to my family roots of Dallas, and even a stint in New York City.
Most of my life has been where I've been in the right place at the right time, including meeting my best friend, my hero for life, my husband. He's the reason I believe there is someone out there for everyone. We live a quiet life in Orlando, with our two cats, a brother and sister. You'll see lots of pictures of them on Facebook and Twitter as I'm a very proud parent.

Dangerous Submission (Dangerous Affairs) by Lori Toland
Publisher: Loose Id LLC (April 22, 2013)
Amazon Kindle: Dangerous Submission (Dangerous Affairs)

British Agent Drake Steele never thought when he was hired on at the Serious Organised Crime Agency that his job would involve spanking a co-worker. But when the colleague is Lord Robbie Covington, the sexy red-headed computer hacker for SOCA and MI-6, Drake can't agree fast enough to pop Robbie's cherry and pull him into the sensual world of BDSM.

Now they are caught up in a web of lies as they pose as members of the jet-setting crowd. Drake and Robbie have to race against the clock to stop a weapons haul that could threaten the safety of all Europe. As their covers begin to fade and danger is closing in, protecting Robbie is Drake’s most important task, but neither man is ready for the moment when their hearts are put on the line.

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author: lori toland, gayromlit

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