GayRomLit Ebook Giveaway: Jordan Castillo Price - Magic Mansion

Jul 22, 2013 15:55

I asked to all the authors joining the GayRomLit convention in Atlanta in October ( a personal favor, a special Ebook Giveaway: twice a week I will post 1 book from each author, and among those who will leave a comment, I will draw a winner. Very easy and very fast ;-) I will send a PM to the winner, so remember to not leave anonymous comments!

And the ebook giveaway goes to: Pelaam

Today author is Jordan Castillo Price: Author and artist Jordan Castillo Price is the owner of JCP Books LLC. She writes paranormal, horror and thriller novels from her isolated and occasionally creepy home in rural Wisconsin. Jordan is best known as the author of the PsyCop series, an unfolding tale of paranormal mystery and suspense starring Victor Bayne, a gay medium who's plagued by ghostly visitations. Also check out her new series, Mnevermind, where memories are client at a time.
Most recent title: Turbulence Collection

Magic Mansion by Jordan Castillo Price
Paperback: 350 pages
Publisher: JCP Books (May 4, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1935540483
ISBN-13: 978-1935540489
Amazon: Magic Mansion
Amazon Kindle: Magic Mansion

Professor Topaz is tired of fending off advice that he should retire in Vegas where magicians his age have an easier time finding work.

Ricardo Hart's career has sunk so low, he's resorted to shaking his moneymaker at bachelorette parties.

But there's a casting call for a new reality show called Magic Mansion that could change everything for these two gay stage magicians, one recovering from the loss of his partner, the other awe-struck by the presence of his idol. Each is poised for a critical second chance: at fame, and at love.

Who will win? Step into the Mansion, and find out....

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author: jordan castillo price, gayromlit

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