Best Gay Paranormal Romance: Hainted by Jordan L. Hawk

May 06, 2013 22:36

This is the first book I read by this author, but even if I’m not sure, I suppose this is not a debut novel. The story is too polished, and the hand too expert for this to be a tryout, I really had the feeling I was reading the product of a skilled author. I have to be true, ghosts and zombies are not really my thing, and I was not really sure I wanted to continue reading it when I realized where the story was going, but the characters got me, and I couldn’t leave without knowing what was of them.

Goth-beauty Leif and farm-boy Dan were apparently a stereotype, and I was already imagining them playing by the “rules”, emo-style and all; but that is not what happened, and actually the author spent a great deal of time to build their relationship, giving time to them and to the reader to be really sure what was happening wasn’t something fading away in few hours of passions. The romance part of the story was well plotted as it was the paranormal-horror.

It’s not the first time I read about this type of horror, but I tend to not like it too much for the gruesome details; in Hainted, the author managed to have all the horror and tension with less “splatter”. I don’t know, it’s not easy to explain, but it was like she was more contained, less searching for the exploitation, but maintaining all the scariness anyway. Sure Hainted is not for the fainting reader, but nevertheless it can be within the range of who doesn’t mind a little bit of horror if the romance is good.

My compliments to Jordan L. Hawk to manage a self-published book which had all the feeling of a consummate author’s novel.

Amazon Kindle: Hainted
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.

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theme: ghosts, genre: fantasy, author: jordan l. hawk, theme: demons, review, rainbow awards 2013, theme: elves, length: novel

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