Thomas Gray (December 26, 1716 - July 31, 1771)

Dec 26, 2017 12:00

At ten years old, Horace Walpole was sent to Eton College, where he became part of the "Quadruple Alliance" of sensitive literary friends, which included Thomas Gray, who was to become the most popular poet of the century, Richard West and Thomas Ashton. Gray was an English poet, letter-writer, classical scholar and professor at Cambridge University. He is widely known for his Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, published in 1751. Walpole and Gray remained friends throughout the latter's life, and Walpole continued to champion his poetry and defend him personally in the many years he survived him. When Walpole decided to go travelling on the “Grand Tour” with Gray, he wrote a will whereby he left Gray all his belongings. In Europe the two had a bitter falling out that took years to put behind them. In later life, Walpole admitted that the fault lay primarily with himself: "to have been inattentive and insensible to the feelings of one I thought below me.”

Timeline & Places:

• December 26, 1716: born at 39 Cornhill, London EC3V 3ND, Regno Unito

• 1730s: attended Eton College, Windsor SL4 6DW, Regno Unito

• 1734: attended University Of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2, Regno Unito

• July 31, 1771: died. Buried at St Giles, Stoke Poges, Slough SL2, Regno Unito. Memorial at Westminster Abbey, 20 Deans Yd, Westminster, London SW1P 3PA, Regno Unito


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