2013 Rainbow Awards Submission: Amelia C. Gormley - Velocity

Feb 24, 2013 21:02

Velocity: Impulse, Book Three (Volume 3) by Amelia C. Gormley
Paperback: 208 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (February 22, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1482336278
ISBN-13: 978-1482336276
Amazon: Velocity: Impulse, Book Three (Volume 3)


For Detroit handyman Derrick Chance and his lover, Gavin Hayes, the holiday season is filled with the promise of new beginnings. Gavin’s officially moving in, and after the New Year, they’ll begin house hunting. But they both know all the talk of gift exchange, whose holiday ornaments go where, and what repairs and remodels will be needed to put Derrick’s house on the market is only a smoke screen.

Before the month is over, Gavin will have the final verdict on whether or not his dangerously delusional ex, Lukas, infected him with HIV. No matter how good Gavin’s chances appear with the three-month hurdle already passed, neither he nor Derrick knows what the future holds for them.

The holidays have always been a time of loss and mourning for Derrick, but now he has to stay strong as Gavin’s own fears and doubts assail him relentlessly. And when Lukas returns, unexpectedly penitent amid troubling revelations, Gavin has to ask himself whether he can offer Derrick the future he deserves, or whether these first few months of happiness are the best they will ever get.

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