Green Fairy is another complex novel by Kyell Gold; sometime I think there are two Kyells, the one writing furry contemporary romances, like Waterways or Out of Position, that I love, and the one writing furry fantasy, like Volle, that are more aimed to a strong-core fantasy readership. In both genres, in any case, the romance component is strong, and also the sex is good, but very explicit.
Green Fairy is a mix of the two genres almost deprived of sex; not of the romance, don’t get me wrong, it’s only that here is more tell than show. The story is, as I said, complex, a three-nestled plot: Sol, a contemporary wolf teenager who is reading a book set at the beginning of the XX century, in a parallel universe that is similar to the Paris of the Moulin Rouge Belle Epoque; the three plot paths are those of Sol, of the narrator in the book and of Niki, the fox dancer who is the main character of the book (and the mouse he is in love with). When Sol drinks a glass of absinthe he starts to dream of being Niki, but it’s not only a dream since Sol shares every feeling with the fox, from pain, love, fear, everything. And Sol will also understand that to save Niki, and himself, he has to undertake an hard journey, the journey towards being an adult.
This is what proves to me I’m reading a Kyell Gold’s novel, and that Kyell is indeed one author: doesn’t matter if contemporary or fantasy, his stories are always about being young and gay, and having to face this reality and fight it. It’s not easy, but neither impossible, and if you are true to yourself, you will always win. It’s often a metaphor with sports, in Green Fairy Sol is a baseball player, this is yet another aspect that is characteristic of Gold’s novels.
Often I tag this author’s novels as “Fantasy”, and for the type of Volle is for sure right, but for story like Waterways, Isolation Play, Out Of Position and for one plot out of three of Green Fairy, that is not right. These are metaphors of contemporary life, only that instead of the boy next door, you have a wolf, or a tiger, or a fox, or an otter; but furry or not, they are teenagers, and as such, they are facing the biggest challenge: growing up. Amazon Kindle:
Green Fairy (Dangerous Spirits)Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Reading List: list&view=elisa.rolle Cover Art by Rukis