Hyacinth's Light by Augusta Li & Eon de Beaumont

Jul 15, 2012 17:41

A novella set in a futuristic scenario, it’s a mix Western and Paranormal Romance. The town of Phocis in the far-off planet of Delphi 3 is living like they were a XIX century pioneer settling in the Far West. Cargos from earth stopped to arrive and they are now living of what they manage to find in the planet. Trevor Wainwright is a young doctor from the city that arrives at Phocis to investigate a strange virus that is killing young men and women. There is no reason for the deaths and no apparent link between the victims. Trevor, a young and pretty man who is often judges for his fragile looks more than for his expertise in medicine, is helped by the mayor’s son, Quentin, a strange and attractive man. Quentin is kind with Trevor, but Trevor can sense an hidden rage in Quentin, towards the whole town and above all his father.

While Trevor is immediately attracted by Quentin, and he recognizes in him a fellow soul, Quentin is kind with Trevor but doesn’t reciprocate. He has this detached behavior, like he was already of another level, like this life was already at the end for him, and he is only waiting for the next step.

I wanted to understand where this story was leading, and the paranormal turn took me by surprise, I was not expecting it. Plus there is a bittersweet tone, and while Trevor and Quentin are together in the end, I’m not really sure they are really a couple, as I said, Quentin has his heart already involved and he is not free to give it to Trevor.


Amazon Kindle: Hyacinth's Light
Publisher: Phaze Books (July 1, 2010)

Reading List: http://www.librarything.com/catalog_bottom.php?tag=reading list&view=elisa.rolle

genre: futuristic, author: augusta li, theme: apocalypse now, author: eon de beaumont, theme: back to the future, theme: demons, review, length: novella

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