Living Words by Sasha L. Miller

Jun 20, 2012 17:09

A sweet fantasy romance, to a level that it could have been a young adult story, it tells the adventures of Guylian, a boy who is apprenticing with Macati, a young mage. Guylian is already 20 years old, but he looks and behaves like a younger man, whereelse Macati has still the joyfulness of being young, even if he is an experienced mage.

This is a full 100% fantasy tale, set in a like-medieval setting, but all in all, it’s a simple environment, so simple that let the reader concentrate on the characters. It’s also very sweet, and even if there is a romance in it, with quite a kinky development, all the sexual interactions between the main characters are limited to some kisses and love words.

Macati is living at the border of a small village, and even if there is magic in this fantasy world, the life is pretty ordinary, a baker, a tavern, a blacksmith, a vinery, all the possible medieval trades you can imagine, only that their business is assisted by Macati’s magic, a magic that is not dangerous, but useful. This magic is not used for evil purposes, but to make life simplier; it’s a magic which takes inspiration by natural processes, and as such, it creates but doesn’t destroy.

I’m really enjoying the production of Less Than Three Press, I’m surprise this small press doesn’t have a bigger following, since from what I can see, their novels are really high in quality, and very, very romantic.

Amazon: Living Words
Amazon Kindle: Living Words
Paperback: 254 pages
Publisher: Less Than Three Press (October 11, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1936202042
ISBN-13: 978-1936202041

Reading List:

genre: fantasy, review, author: sasha l. miller, theme: menage, theme: elves, length: novel

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