Hope (Home series Book 4) by William Neale

Apr 24, 2012 09:00

It’s strange to think that this will be the last book in the Home series, since, even if the editor said William Neale was thinking if it was good to continue, it’s clear that he created a world, and a set of characters, that had still a lot of stories to tell us. But without William probably there is no chance to have the same love he was displaying for his characters and his city, Cleveland.

Coincidence wanted that I was in Cleveland just days before reading this novel. If that was not the case, I’d have probably not notice so much how much details the author gives to the reader about this city. To me Cleveland was not what I was expecting, and probably if I had read this book before going there, I’d have looked at it in a different way.

Another strange, and sad coincidence, is that Hope is all about the “heart”, especially the searching of a new heart for a 11 years old kid with a heart condition; in this novel, the author often highlights how Cleveland’s hospital is top notch for this type of conditions, but still William Neale passed away, totally unexpected, from an heart attack just few days after having finished this novel. Has William “given” his heart to this novel? Probably, but not in the meaning that this novel is somehow the cause of his death, but since I think he poured all his love in it, and everyone reading it will always face the knowledge this is the last gift of William to his readers.

About the story: Hope, like the other novels in the Home series, is a full-frontal romance, maybe not particularly sexy, but very romantic. It’s not a smushy type of romance, but it’s definitely an happily ever after romance. Someone can wonder maybe about the realism of having two 17 years old boys commit themselves to a long-term relationship, but sincerely, why not? If you are that lucky to meet the love of your life at that age, why you have to deny yourself the joy to fully live it?

I particularly appreciated the character of Thomas; he is the antagonist of Hunter to gain the love of Spencer. If I have to be true, sometime I even hoped that Spencer would have not to make a choice, and that what I was nearing was a threesome. But that was not possible, and in the end, the author chooses for the less “spectacular” evolution, but probably the righter for Spencer’s character. Spencer is not some sort of cinderfella character, he has his strength and even his faults, and he needs someone to balance him in all his aspects.

William didn’t know this was the last story in the Home series, and it’s evident he left many hints in this book that he was supposed to write at least one other story. I’m sad knowing that will not be the case, but nevertheless, don’t deny yourself the joy to read this novel and of course the previous in the series.


Amazon: Hope
Amazon Kindle: Hope
Paperback: 316 pages
Publisher: MLR Press (April 24, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1608206289
ISBN-13: 978-1608206285

1) Home: http://elisa-rolle.livejournal.com/1220447.html
2) Son of a Ditch
3) Always Faithful
4) Hope

Reading List: http://www.librarything.com/catalog_bottom.php?tag=reading list&view=elisa.rolle

review, genre: contemporary, author: william neale, length: novel

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