Guest Blog: What are you trying to say? by Xavier Axelson

Sep 05, 2011 14:00

I recently watched a bizarre movie starring Joanne Woodward called Rachel Rachel directed by Paul Newman from 1968. It really is worth watching for a million reasons but what struck me was during the film a character asks Woodward, “What are you trying to say?” Or “What are you saying?”

I can’t remember the exact line but it made me think about my writing, and writing in general.

What are we trying to say when we write?

What am I trying to say?

To which I answer, “I have no idea.” I never know what ideas a story is going to reveal. I think there are bits and pieces of me in everything I write. But what is the message behind the words? I’d like to think people will walk away from what I have written and think a little bit, or in the case of my erotica, will be aroused. Writing should arouse you, even when it isn’t erotic. It should arouse curiosity, imagination, inspiration, emotion; you get the idea. There are so many people writing, so many ideas being conveyed and yet when you stop and ask yourself, “What am I trying to say?”

What would you answer?

I looked back on the last year and the seven novellas I’ve written and tried to find an underlying theme in each. The first thing I came up with was the idea of personal freedom. The men in my stories struggle to find their freedom in the world. Some are held back by overbearing parents, some by guilt, some by their fear of love and commitment and, finally, some are held back by fear in general. I think this theme is important because is there anything more necessary than freedom? I love when I finish writing something and the characters are set free, they have overcome something and changed because of it.

A friend of mine told me about an idea I thought quite profound. She said that most people are locked in one room. They have painted this amazing story about themselves on the wall behind them; it is all the fantasies they tell themselves and the lies other people have told them about themselves and most importantly, the lies they have made up about themselves. In front of them are a mirror and a door. One day someone comes along and challenges them, opens the door and says, “hey there, come on out!” However, all they see is the reflection of the wall behind them and instead of walking through the door they stay locked in that one room with the fantasy.

Get it?

Freedom of ideas, freedom of expression, and the freedom to walk through the door instead of staying locked in a one-room prison is what I hope my writing inspires. I hope that is what I’m saying, yelling, and screaming at the top of my erotica belting lungs: “Walk through the damn door and paint another room!”

Better, I hope that’s what all writing and artistic expression inspires.

People need to have their boats rocked a bit. It is healthy to be challenged and to be afraid of new ideas. I shudder to think where we would be if there weren’t people trying to express themselves creatively.

So what am I trying to say? I’m saying get free, get aware, and don’t ever be afraid of painting a new wall.

Speaking of walls, come post something on my Facebook wall or follow me on Twitter. My latest release “The Incident” is available at

I can also be reached at where you can find all the latest news about my upcoming releases, interviews, reviews, etc! Or stop by my column over at the examiner where offbeat celebrities, artists and troublemakers abound! --by Xavier Axelson

The Incident by Xavier Axelson
Publisher: Seventh Window Publications (August 13, 2011)
Amazon Kindle: The Incident

In the line of duty, decisions that will change your life forever are made in a split-second. Nobody knows that better than Officer Michael Carmac, whose fatal split-second decision haunts his days. Tormented by guilt, Michael seeks solace in a bottle and the friendship he has with his partner, Officer Bertram Angel. But the more he leans on Angel for support, the more Michael discovers a longing that he’s kept hidden for too long. Can Angel help ease the pain of guilt or will Michael’s hidden desires be the end of their friendship?

author: xavier axelson

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