Daniel is a 19 years old guy who doesn't know what he feels and who he is. In a futuristic world where samesex is sold in a restrict quarter near the quarter where vampires live, Daniel gets off at the wrong stop. He wants to know if he likes men and instead ends with a bite on his neck. But he is bitten by a rogue vampire and Gabriel, a Vampire Guardian, arrives to rescue him.
Gabriel is like the angel the name he wear: he is handsome and caring. And Daniel maybe has the chance to share love with a tender one not a stranger uncaring. And Gabriel agrees to introduce Daniel to the joy of sex, but only for one night: he will never bond an innocent like Daniel to him.
A very brief but enjoyable tale, I like Evangeline Anderson's style. Only a weak point: it is too short and I read the blurb of the next enstalment in the series and it's not about Daniel and Gabriel. Like in Pledge Slave, Evangeline Anderson has created two interesting characters, but has not given to them to chance to fully grow in the fantasy of the readers.