The Partners and The Guardian (Binary Stars, Vol. 5) by Stevie Woods

Nov 21, 2010 15:00

Even if divided into two stories, this novella, more or less 40 pages, can be easily read as one. In the first part, Rick is willy-nilly in the middle of Anton and Bohdri, two ancient vampires with an almost as ancient grudge between them. Bohdri is in love with Anton and 700 years ago he tricked the vampire to turn him; Anton was not happy and for more than 200 years he avoided Bohdri, after that it took other 500 years to Bohdri to simply become friend again with Anton, but lovers is totally another question. Callously to my perspective, Anton parades his human lovers in front of Bohdri, and the other vampire is like a punching-ball, for the very limited pleasure to be near the one he loves, Bohdri accepts everything. Only that Rick, in his innonce and naivite, arises something in Bohdri, the vampire probably understands that Rick can be different, that if he is not careful, Anton can loose his heart with him. That will push Bohdri to risk everything again, even the friendship he so hardly regained with Anton.

In the second part David, a Guardian, is enthralled by Rick, and he would like to woo the young man. But when he finally decides it’s time to try and steal Rick from Anton and Bohdri, the young man is viciously attacked and David has to intervene and do something that can make him more an enemy than a friend.

As I said the two stories are very short, but I liked two things: the futuristic society where vampires are almost like celebrities more than scaring creatures and the innocence of Rick, an innocence that is not in body but in mind. Rick happily jumps in bed with Anton and then Bohdri, with only a little esitation at the beginning when he doesn’t know what to expect. After that he happily accepts David’s courtship, without thinking twice to Anton and Bohdri… yes, Rick is a bit of a slut, but he is an happy one, fully enjoying his young age and the freedom he has having sex with vampires.

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Reading List:

review, length: novella, author: stevie woods, theme: vampires, genre: paranormal

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