Willing and Able (Binary Stars Vol. 3) by Jenna Byrnes & Jude Mason

Jul 16, 2010 23:01

I hadn’t noticed the trend until this last story, but Jenna Byrnes and Jude Mason like their cop hot and dirty, meaning that, their hero are more the ordinary detectives who want to do their job and go home than some invincible superhero.

These are two separate but in parallel stories, about an undercover cop, Willing, and his former partner, Able. Willing is playing the role of the drug dealer to unmask the real villain, but he got a bit to much caught in the role, he fell for another dealer, Jonathan. Now Willing’s goal is not only to take down the villain, but also to not loose Jonathan in the doing. I like that, even if Jonathan is indeed one of the bad man, Willing is not so “straight” (no pun intended) to not being able to bend the rule to the love law. It’s maybe unrealistic that being Willing “only”an ordinary cop, he is able to find a way out for Jonathan, but this is a romance, not real life.

On the other side there is Able, even more ordinary cop than Willing. At least he is in love with another cop, and actual partner, detective Strokes. The nice characteristic of this couple is that, even if they are not flaunting their love, they are enough sure of it and of themselves, that they are willing to live it in full. On the job they are the perfect work partners, their relationship doesn’t interfere with what they have to do, there is no jealousy, or fear for what the other has to do. But once they are out of the precinct, they are able to live their love fully and without hesitation.

Basically these are only two short stories, a moment in time of two relationships that are already started, and so the two couplets are “used” to each other and comfortable; they are sure of their love, and nothing seems to shake it, neither the real identity of Willing: deep inside Jonathan knows Willing, and it’s not his real job that can change that knowledge.


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theme: cops, review, author: jude mason, genre: contemporary, length: novella, author: jenna byrnes

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