Event: Erotic Romance, Erotica, and Porn: Writing Male/Male Romance

Jun 03, 2010 09:50

Date: From Sunday, May 23, 2010, time 13.30
To Saturday, June 5, 2010 time 14.30
Location: GAYDAYS ORLANDO 2010

Kiernan Kelly, Orlando M/M author, will be hosting an author/reader panel at GayDays this year. This will be the first year panels are being held, and want it to be a success! Join Kiernan Kelly, Lori Toland, and H. B. Kurtzwilde for an hour of open and frank discussion at the "Erotic Romance, Erotica, and Porn: What's the difference, and where's the line in writing erotic male/male romance" panel. Saturday, June 5, 2010, Double Tree Resort, International Drive, Orlando, Florida, 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Free Giveaways! Don't miss it!

author: kiernan kelly, author: lori toland, author: h.b. kurtzwilde

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