Excerpt: Bonds of Love by Mickie B. Ashiling

May 29, 2010 17:48

Bonds of Love by Mickie B. Ashiling
Release Date: 05/2009
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Publisher Link: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=1783

Blurb: Sequel to Impacted!

Getting to know each other hasn’t been an easy journey for Scott Gregory and Robin "Red" Kennedy. Falling in love and exploring their kinkier sides revealed a perfect match, and Scott is a devoted sub to Red’s headstrong and often impulsive Dominant personality.

Scott, Robin, and their friend, Susie, open a new dental practice a short distance from the old office but miles away from Scott’s former boss and his Promise Keeper mentality. But the move doesn’t guarantee a happy ending. Robin’s mother is in a medical crisis. Scott’s grandfather makes an unexpected appearance. Ongoing interference from Jenna, Ron’s needy assistant, stirs up trouble. And Susie, having completed her training as a Dominatrix, is on a quest for the perfect male submissive.

Then there's one more threat to their relationship: Robin’s desire for a public collaring, something the shy and formerly closeted Scott is having a really hard time accepting. Is a strong and binding love―albeit a kinky one―enough to keep Scott and Robin together?


The BDSM club in San Ramon had been converted into a fantasy world of decadent beauty. Members spared no expense in trying to outdo one another, and the evening became the perfect backdrop for showing off. The recurring theme seemed to be Italian Renaissance, judging from the multitude of masks that were either made in Italy or were cheap imitations. The time and energy spent on the occasion wasn´t surprising at all, considering the patrons' affinity for scenes and playacting. Everyone had invested an inordinate amount on costumes that ranged from the simplest to the most elaborate and bizarre.

Waiters wore black leather thongs and Roman sandals with crisscrossing strips of leather that climbed up their calves. They had ornate masks in an exotic bird theme, covering their entire head in a variety of colors like the beautiful animals they emulated.

Robin had elected to come in black leather, springing for the uber-Dominant look, something he could have never afforded in the past. It felt good to hold his own in the company of his peers, who had previously tolerated his civilian attire. They´d known he was a starving student, and they never let him forget, teasing him fondly, calling him the Bartender Dom. Despite his seeming good humor in accepting their jokes, it had rankled. Tonight ,when he´d walked in the club with Scott trailing behind him, he felt the interest they generated, and his heart soared with pride. He knew the club members were blown away. Robin wasn´t conscious of his own appeal, never considering that he too was a beauty in his own right. He looked stunning in black, the perfect foil to his fiery hair color. His body was a sinuous mix of strength and panther-like grace that had attracted patrons in the past, and tonight was no different. All eyes turned as the redhead moved across the room with the scrumptious blond, dressed in caramel-colored leather, walking to heel behind him.

Robin stopped to greet a group of Dominants. He was pleased that Scott knew to pause and get down on his knees as the other Doms gathered around Robin. "It´s about time you showed that red mop of yours," a deep voice broke through the crowd.

Robin grinned, delighted to see his friend. "Liam, you old pervert, how are you?"

"Same as ever, Red."

"Still twisted, I hope," Robin commented snidely, backslapping and hugging at the same time.

"As ever," Liam replied. He´d taken Robin under his wing many years ago and felt a fatherly affection toward the boy he´d dubbed Red. "I understand that tonight´s a special night for you and your boy."

Robin beamed and nodded his head. "Stand up, love. Let Liam look at you."

Scott rose but kept his head down respectfully. He was completely into his submissive role, which pleased Robin.

Liam looked at Scott critically, inspecting the man who´d ensnared Red. This was the sub who´d managed to tame his wild friend, and he could understand the attraction. If the sub´s mind was anything like his face and body, he had his vote.

"Look at me, boy," Liam´s voice demanded a response.

Scott raised his head. The leonine mask covered everything but his mouth, although the mesmerizing green eyes sparkled and were easily discernible through the slits in the papier-m?ché. "He´s beautiful, Red. Is there any reason why I can´t remove his mask?"

"He´s not out, Liam. Leave it on."

"What about in private amongst friends?"

"That´s different."

"Then by all means," Liam took Scott by the hand, "let´s adjourn to one of the private rooms so I can inspect at will."

Robin gently disengaged Liam, leaving no doubt who was Scott´s Master. "Later, buddy. I´ll let you know if and when we´re prepared to go that route."

"Red..." Liam looked bemused. "A little possessive?"

"A lot possessive," Robin declared. "Now, if you´ll excuse us, we have a collaring ceremony to prepare for."

Robin walked away, knowing that he´d started a new round of gossip. He was surprised how quickly he´d reacted; Liam´s assumption that he could have a piece of Scott angered him. This wasn´t exactly what he had in mind when he´d daydream about a public collaring. He only wanted to show off his lover. He´d forgotten how predatory some members could be. And just in case he had any doubts, another old friend stopped him to say hello and admire Scott´s ass by running his hand over it gently.

"Leave him be, Gerard," Robin admonished.

"Come now, Red. I´m only admiring your boy."

"Don´t!" Robin barked, getting more annoyed by the minute. He headed toward the bar, making sure Scott followed. "Sorry about that, love," Robin muttered, loud enough for Scott to hear.

"It´s okay," Scott replied. "Nothing happened."

"Next person who touches you may end up with a broken arm," Robin grumbled.

Scott smiled and continued to follow behind his Master. He hadn´t walked behind a Dom in a long time, and even though he and Robin were as in tune as any two humans could possibly be, it still took talent to heel. It was expected of a sub, and Scott had every intention of making Red proud; one way of doing that was to follow the etiquette of this world.

Scott could feel a hundred eyes devouring him. He was grateful for the mask, because his outfit left hardly any room for imagination. He had been flabbergasted when Robin pulled it out of the box. The leather was as soft as velvet and fit him like a second skin. His ass was completely bare, but for the few strips of leather, and if the pants got any tighter, they´d rip from top to bottom. His cock felt huge in the loose pouch that was sewn into the pants, supposedly to accommodate any sort of chastity device. Robin had chosen not to put him in a cage since they weren´t going to "perform". He´d decided at the last minute that he didn´t want to show Scott off that much. It almost felt like Robin was having second thoughts about the whole collaring scene, but they were here, so Scott let Robin take the lead; it was Robin´s night and his fantasy after all.

Robin paused for a second, so Scott stopped as well. A younger member in a harlequin mask walked up to them. "You both look incredible," he said, addressing Robin.

"Thanks to you," Robin acknowledged. "Scott, I´d like you to meet Mitchell Bryant. He´s the one who helped get our outfits together."

Scott nodded a greeting, trying to get a handle on the man who´d made him so miserable. He could only see part of his face, but what he did see failed to impress him. He appeared a little too interested in Robin which led to Scott´s first really uncomfortable moment of the night. The lascivious looks that were cast his way didn´t bother him as much as the interested glimmer in Mitchell´s eye as he tried to hold Robin´s attention.

"Hey, Doc," Mitchell responded automatically, never taking his eyes off Robin. "You look great."

Scott acknowledged the compliment with an insipid smile. He still wasn´t one hundred percent satisfied that Mitchell didn´t want to jump Robin´s bones.

"Let´s get a drink, love."

"Yes," Scott agreed quickly, eager to be rid of Mitchell. He also needed a drink to fortify himself . He was getting more and more uncomfortable with the thought of standing on stage. Even though Robin and he weren´t going to have a scene, they´d still be baring their souls publicly in what should have been, to his mind, a very private occasion.

author: mickie b. ashling, excerpt

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