When the Bluebird Calls (Heart of the Mountain 1) by Leiland Dale

Apr 03, 2010 12:50

Even before Brokeback Mountain, people have always had a soft spot for the Western Romance. It’s something typical of the western culture, in Europe and in other places all around the world, there aren’t real cowboys, that is something typical of the United States. Western Romances, the contemporary genre, have something in common: the genuineness of the characters; they can be happy, they can be sad, they can be gay friendly or homophobic, but, above all, they are bounded with a double knot to their land and their traditions. Country life give them comfort and warm, and it’s exactly what Devon needs now: he has just lost his mother to cancer, his boyfriend left him since he was not willing to be near him when Devon needed him more, and there is nothing left for him in the city. So he packs all his things and moves to Bridger in Montana, a gay friendly small town where Devon not only finds good townsfolk but also a new boyfriend, Greg, a big and strong cowboy, with a big heart and plenty of love to share. Greg lost his family when he came out to them, and like Devon, he found a new family in Bridger, a family made of friends, but not yet a lover. Greg and Devon fit together since moment one, and their story is nice and quite, without bumps.

Sure, it’s an idyllic representation of reality, I don’t know if a place like Bridger really exists in the world, but I think that When the Bluebird Calls is basically an old fashioned romance, and in this type of romances there is little space for sadness or reality. What little reality the author decided to fit in the story is Devon’s story with his mother, his pain in losing her, and his awareness that he is not fit for a life in the city where no one really cares for him. Life in the country allows him to have a real relationship with his neighbours, the call them by name; it’s at the same tame a bliss and a problem, Bridger is a nice place to live if you are gay, but Devon and Greg are well aware that it’s not like that right outside their little paradise.


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review, genre: contemporary, length: novella, author: leiland dale, theme: cowboys

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