Life Rating..

Nov 25, 2007 13:54

This is weird. And to be honest I didn't quite get it. LOL.
Im just very tired atm and nothing u tell me will make sense. Maybe next time I read it i'll understand it.

This Is My Life, RatedLife:







5.2Take the Rate My Life Quiz

Oh! what did make sense was the love bar. My love life sucks so much at the moment!! I hate it. But either way, I think i'll make the best of being alone. Like write fics!? Oh yeah, i've written a few, all of them in progress and two s/a. One of the s/a its Slash.. and I've been wanting to post it but everytime I try it it ends up very effed up. Meh.

Why don't you try the quiz and see what you get?! It can be fun when u, like me, have nothing better to do.
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