Sep 08, 2010 10:41
Day 14 - A dream you had with SS501/member, in great detail
Sorry, but I never had a dream with the boys. And If I've had it, I don't remember it =( The most of time I just remember bad dreams).
Day 15 - Favorite SS501 Quote (except from songs)
Favorite quote? Probably "Forever as One". Everytime they say that I feel butterflies in my stomach xD It's just like if I can feel the love they feel for each other, the love they feel for the TripleS. It's weird, I don't know how to explain it xD
And this one too XD:
“I meet with YoungSaeng 290 days out of 365 days. I could say ‘hey’ to other members but I can't do that with YoungSaeng... If other members are late, I can get angry at them, but when Young-Seng is late, I find myself saying ‘it is okay'"
Oh~... The Hyun-Saeng is just love <3
ss501 makes my day...always