Hello 50 million screaming fans, today is one of those days that if you don't type up a LiveJournal entry, you never will.
Oh man...LiveJournal...you're alive, I thought that boulder woulda killed you for sure. Thank God you're okay. I'uh...kinda sold your stuff and maxed out your credit card. he heh. Pretty funny, huh?
ANYwhat! Youth Invasion rocked the spot and now everything that other people worked on for eight minutes every week is gone. All that remains is our curatorial exhibit and the Urban Interview magazine. Because we just rock on a slightly higher rung of life than certain people I could almost name.
Okay, now that I've been good and mean, let us move to the finer things in life.
Shyloh shows up in 14 hours. Count'm. No, I mean it, take your right shoe off and count every digit save your pinky toe, because c'mon that toe barely counts as a digit. I mean seriously.
Holy CRAP, am I excited!!!
Love you, honey. Can't wait for you to read this on the computer I'm typing it on.
I'm a'hopin' to get a jorb at the Warhol this summer which remind me, I need to call this guy about being a gallery attendant. I like keeping my hair colow-y like a cwayon.
Oh yeah, I'm organizing Schenley's yearly game of Spork.
Spork is a game that involves a large group of individuals coming together in a friendly competition. A Spork is also a utensil used for eating; it is a combination of a spoon and a fork, thus sp-ork.
Object of the game:
A third party takes the names of each person playing and assigns everyone in a huge circle of names. They then tell each player whom they are after and therefore whom they must “spork”. Person A is after person B who is after Person C…who is after person X who is after person A, Got it? Let’s call the person you are after your “target”. Likewise you will be someone’s target. Everyone that is playing has a Spork. You must hold your Spork in your hands at all times. The only way you can lose this game is if you do not have your Spork in your hand. To Spork someone you must stab them with your Spork (in a non-violent manner AKA no blood) when they do not have their Spork in their hand. Having your Spork in your pocket, behind your ear or otherwise out of sight to those around you does not count; it must be in your hand. As long as your Spork is in your hand, you are safe. If you lose it, or set it down and someone finds it or takes it that’s perfectly legal, and considered your fault for setting it down. Having said that, taking other peoples sporks is frowned upon. You should try to find more creative ways to eliminate people. However, there are always certain people that get what they deserve by having their sporks taken.
1. You cannot take a Spork from anybody’s hands, whether for your own use, or in order to “spork” them.
2. You will be issued only one Spork, if you lose it, well that sucks. No replacement or decoy sporks will be allowed. If your Spork breaks, you may attempt to repair it with tape in a manner that keeps it looking as spork-like as possible.
3. You can not adhere or attach the Spork to your hand in any way. Sporks cannot be tucked in watches, under wristbands, or taped to your hand. The only thing that is legal is to tape your hand shut around the Spork. This is only legal however as long as the Spork could theoretically be removed from your hand with minimal effort.
4. There is no out of bounds for Spork. Whether you are sleeping, playing sports, or going to the bathroom, you are fair game.
5. Once you have been sporked, you are out of the game and must tell the person who sporked you the name of your former target. This is now their new target and you can forget about them. You have to be honest here or the game won’t be fun. Be a team player and tell the truth.
6. You may enlist the help of other people, but they cannot break any of the rules, and they must not already be a part of the game.
7. Only you can Spork your target, no one can do it for you.
8. Remember that you are in school, more or less, so while almost anything is legal, including sporking people during classes; try to do it in a way that will not get the game banned from Schenley. We want to be able to play this again next year.
9. You are free to tell anyone who you are trying to spork, however remember that if that person somehow finds out that you are after them it puts you at a major disadvantage and you know how word travels in our school. So it is my suggestion that you do not tell anyone who it is that you are trying to Spork.
A friendly reminder
Spork has been known to shatter relationships and destroy friendships. Virtually anything goes in this game that tests will, desire, and the overall power of people to turn on those close to them.
Finally, I wish good luck to all of you that participate in this game. May the best deceitful vagabond win.
-Seth F. Otis
[My Pseudonym]
If you want to join:
First, transfer to Schenley.
Second, give me your name.
Third, relay $5 to me.
Fourth, pick up your spork next wednesday.
Fifth, have fun.
Alright, I'm done.
1-Be Kind, Rewind-517