I may have to turn in my liberal card.

Aug 11, 2013 22:51

Scary thought, that.

But here's the thing:

If you are looking to be offended, or for a reason to be angry, and you approach Life with that challenge - "C'mon, Life, give me a REASON!" - wow, man, could you, like, back away from the internet, and the phone, and your house door, and any other possible way that might accidentally allow you to interact with the human race?  Because you are TIRING, you are RIDICULOUS, and you are WASTING. OUR. TIME.

I mean, really.  There are a million awesome things out there that make up this amazing world of ours.  If you can pass by all the ZOMG LOOKIT THAT and find reasons to be offended?  You're getting it absurdly wrong.

Here's a cluestick:  The world isn't out to get you.

People are not trying to mess with you.

If you say something and you get in response, "I don't understand," guess what?  9 out of 10 times?  That's all it means.  "I don't understand."  It doesn't mean you're being insulted or attacked or disparaged.  Don't wanna talk about it?  That's ok.  That's incredibly ok.  Say so, and that's the end of it.  No reason to fight.

I sometimes think that the reason we aren't getting very far in our pushes for equality and understanding is that too many people are walking around waiting to be offended.  And I'm so incredibly grateful that my life has brought me people that are willing to talk.

(And yeah, this mini rant is inspired by yet another discussion-gone-political that wandered into crazy-making territory wherein it's ok to say 'oh this situation isn't fair to me but being asked why, or how to make it better, is even worse.'  Silliness.  Just silliness.  We need to get over our precious egos.)

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