At the very end of the video Avital is standing next to the building where my grandmother's family lived since she was a child. They lived there when her father was arrested and shot in 1937, and soon after her mother was sent to gulag. From that building my grandmother was evacuated during the war and my grandfather came back to it when the war was over. My mom and aunt lived there as children. I finished 3rd and 7th grades while living in this building. Now it is empty, nobody lives there anymore.
В самом конце Таля стоит у дома 3 на Клочковской, где семья моей бабушки жила с ее детства. Они жили там, когда ее отца забрали в 37-м, а потом и маму. Оттуда бабушка эвакуировалась во время войны и туда же вернулся с войны дед. В этом доме росли моя мама и тетя, а я заканчивала 3-ий и 7-ой класс. Сейчас дом пуст, в нем никто не живет.