Jun 28, 2007 11:26
I love this new icon. It's a little bit emo, but I guess that's appropriate for a livejournal. ^_^
I hope everyone's been doing well, btw! :)
My dog Sierra, the one who's staying inside for 6 weeks, is absolutely adorable! My sister has a new age celtic CD, and whenever it plays, she just stares at the speakers, wagging her tail. I think dogs must like flutes and similar high pitched instruments...I remember one of our dogs would go crazy when sis would play the flute. (can't remember if that was Ananda, Coco, or Jodie...)
Hm, not much is going on in my life. Bought some manga and video games, sold some stuff. Going shopping today, but lately I've been spending a bit too much on impulse buys. *^_^*
Health-wise, I'm improving slowly but steadily. I can wake up in the morning and spend a long time on doing chores, without it totally killing me. It's such a great feeling to be able to bound from one thing to another, and get everything done! I've also been able to drive, and I wasn't able to before. Also, my OCD has become *much* more manageable and easier to resist.
It's amazing how much mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health are so interrelated. I changed my diet because I wanted to change my emotional health, but that ended up improving everything. I have no idea why specialists don't interconnect with each other...if my gynecologist hadn't been an island from say, a dietitian, she would have known that the problem with my menstruation wasn't a cyst, but rather with not getting enough nutrients. Or if my GP had been more familiar with mental problems, they would have known that my low white blood cell count was due to depression and stress...and I wouldn't have had to take a million blood tests. :p
In the current context, if I improve one area of my life, it will open a door to improving the others. It's almost like unraveling a tangle of cords...you unravel one, and you can unravel another...then eventually the tangle is much smaller than when you started. But you can't just stick your hands in and pull them all apart at once. XD
smiley abuse