[translation] Shintaro/Shoki/Yugo Wink Up 2014.08

Jul 31, 2014 20:35

hello hello!

posting a translation i originally meant to post on shintaro's birthday but then lost my motivation with it halfway. but now, two weeks later, i decided to finish it anyway since i found it interesting and sort of important too, esp shoki & shin's parts because they talk a little about what it's like to be something else than skinny as a stick in johnny's.
(oh how i'd like to rant about how the default JE image is so screwed up if guys like shoki and shin have to feel like they're a wrong kind or worry about their figure etc >_>; but no, shutting up. ONWARDS.)

Wink Up 2014.08

Morimoto Shintaro x Kouchi Yugo x Morohoshi Shoki

Among Johnny’s Juniors, these three have a strong ”The Young Man” like image, but do they themselves feel like that too?

Morimoto Shintaro

Lately, I’ve been called manly a lot but when I was little, I was often mistaken as a girl. When people would look at my insurance card or then like, they’d call me "oo-chan?", my little sister’s name. Even after I joined Johnny’s, senpais often called me cute but to be honest, I felt a bit weird about it. After all, because I’m a boy I want to be told that I’m cool. Well, now I’m being called "gorigori*" though (laughs). Even my parents say things like "where exactly did you change the route, I wonder" (laughs). But my looks right now match with how I am on the inside so I don’t dislike it. However, Kouchi and Kyomocchan with who I often have magazine shoots and the like are so slender that I sometimes seriously think whether I should lose some weight. But with this figure there’s the advantage that, when you dance, your moves look bigger and you stand out. Do I go with still-image or moving picture… I’m troubled (laughs)! [T/N: I think he means that does he want to be more slender and “look better” in pics, or be the way he is now and stand out while dancing]

*ゴリゴリ something hard, tough, stiff. Obviously referring to Shin’s muscular form XD

Morohoshi Shoki

This kind of figure isn’t really Johnny’s-like, after all. Really, all juniors are really spindly (laughs). At first, when everyone called me "rough" or "chubby", it felt really unpleasant but then Juri said to me: "it’s not Moro if you don’t have a figure like that". Now, when I look at a video of Shounen Club, I can easily find myself there because my figure is different from everyone else’s. Oh, sometimes I mistake Shintaro for myself, though (laughs). I see, even this kind of figure can be a good characteristic among juniors. If I became the same figure as everyone else is, I thought that... wouldn’t have any merit. Lately, the staff-san who saw Crea shows have told me many time "it’s good that you’re manly". Especially the gorigori-like dance we did together with Shintaro was really popular. We also received these mysterious impressions from fans like "it was zoo-like and so cool!" Is that a praise or not (laughs). Alright, from now on too, shall I go with this gorigori-like combi with Shintaro (laughs)!

Kouchi Yugo

I secretly admire Shintaro and Morohoshi’s firm figures. Even though we often tease them with everyone, calling them "chubby" and the like, they really aren’t fat at all and in my mind, I’m like "that’s so nice~" (laughs). There are a lot guys with same kind of figure as me in Johnny’s but when I go to beach with my uni friends and we take photos without shirts, I’m so thin that I become sad. But instead, I think my personality is really manly. Even though I say it myself, I have this chivalrous spirit. I don’t act girl-like and if for example I was to do a batsu game, I wouldn’t hesitate with it but just go for it with resolution, I’m a type like that. I think that only carrying a pouch is a bit girl-like (laughs). I don’t like it when the inside of my bag is in disorder so I carry a total of two pouches with me, one with for example medicine and one with phone charger and the like. I got tsukkomi’d by Yassan (Yasui) with "You're a girl, aren't you!" (laughs).


Thanks for reading! :3 Comments are appreciated.

I'm sorry I'm so bad at answering comments, btw. >_< I'm grateful for every single one and read all of them~ I'll try to shape up from now on!

- shintaro, - shoki, - kouchi, translation

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