Mar 23, 2006 18:20
i'm sorry honestly i don't understand how one can live on a decent budget and shop at fucking whole foods. i mean i understand that whole save the environment and all. i mean i grew up in the 90s. but really, i can't afford it and i dont understand how some of my friends shop there on a regular basis. i feel like there also needs to be some element of danger and excitement when one shops and honestly it can't happen in a high-end grocery store. there is something to walking by a toothless security guard arguing with a woman resembling a toothpick stuck on a cotton ball about not smoking in the store. or how about the fabulous children screaming about gum and a quarter for the brats in an egg capsule (sp.) my favorite moment to this day was when star and i went to the store after dancing one night, and the crackhead lady at the register told us princess diana had died. all i wanted was some couscous.
oh yea and beckie - remember when json evans used to put me in the cart and not let me out and i'd stuff things under my barn jacket. yes i said barn jacket.
you got any good grocery stories???