(no subject)

May 05, 2008 00:49

I'm in Vancouver now and I haven't caught up on the last couple of days of LJ. Ugh. That'll take a while.

I've seen 2 silverfish since I got here, which I've never seen before so I was weirded out. I checked wiki on how to get rid of them, and the first method under "lethal" methods is "smash it". I lol'd.

My room's freaking adorable. Once I have my shiz all cleaned up, I'll take pics.
I squealed when I saw my kitchen, I love it so much. SO MUCH. There's way more counter space than my Kamloops apartment had.

Mum and Dad are not so much with the believing in me, right now. On the drive down, they said they're willing to come get me *when* (not if, when. and yes, they elaborated on that point) I change my mind and want to come "home". I'm not digging this sentiment.

I've seen Mindi both days! Saturday after Mum &Dad left, we met for dinner at White Spot on Cambie, then went to her place and chilled for a bit. Today she picked me up (she's borrowing a car for the next 3 weeks, which is yay for her) and we did a spot of grocery shopping then went to her parents' for Sunday family dinner, which is yay for me. I met her parents' new tenanty-roommatey people who are cool. I made timely commentary on modern society. That's sort of an inside joke.

Julian is the most adorable godson like... ever. Next Saturday is his first birthday party.

OK so at dinner last night, Julian was rolling his juice bottle across the table at me. And I rolled it back and we played catch for a bit, and he's grinning the whole time, big ol' dimples in full force, the whole bit. Then I caught it and kept it for a second... and his face just fell. It was the best D: face I've EVER seen, mixed with a spot of "what on earth just happened here?". So I fell for it, of course, and I rolled the bottle back going "OMG I'm sorry"... and he just held his hands on the table, staring at me, not moving. The bottle hit him in the chest and came to rest. He still stared at me. D: face on. For like a whole minute, which is a long time in that situation. Then he FINALLY cracked a smile and giggled again and I breathed a sigh of relief - kid doesn't hate me, he was just pretending!

It was such a good psyche out. F'srs.

ugh parents, augh spiders, mindi, vancouver, julian

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