"No fate but what we make."

Apr 17, 2007 10:41

* Go to IMDB.com and look up 10 of your favorite movies.
* Post three official IMDB "Plot Keywords" for these 10 picks.
* Have your friends guess the movie titles.

#1 Mathematician/Eaten Alive/Children Jurassic Park thejessicka
#2 Celebrity Has Been/Unlikely Hero/Space Travel Galaxy Quest leperchan5
#3 Shakespearean Quote/Death Of Hero/Vengeance Star Trek II:The Wrath of Khan thejessicka
#4 War Correspondent/Claustrophobic Setting/Boredom Das Boot thejessicka
#5 Tea Party/Cat/Rabbit Alice in Wonderland slagkick
#6 Training/Bounty Hunter/Father Son Relationship Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back slagkick
#7 Barbarian/Cannibal Cult/Norse Mythology The 13th Warrior thejessicka
#8 Gun Fu/Anti Hero/Yeats Equilibrium leperchan5
#9 Zero Gravity/Burning Man/Insanity Event Horizon riversprite
#10 Ransacked Room/Decapitated Body/Austrian Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade cherbunnie13
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